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Fiji news
Thanks for your prayers about Pete's trip to the fun and food culture of Fiji from March 14th / 29th with YWAM in Nandi, Lautoka and Suva on Vitu Levu Island and Labasa on Vanua Levu Island. More.......Home
Who we are
Since 2001 “On Eagles Wings to Asia” has been helping men and women in Asian countries find a way out of sexual and relational brokenness. It is a ministry of Exodus Asia Pacific in Australia which in turn is a member region of the worldwide Exodus Global Alliance.
This road to freedom is a long journey, often filled with confusion, frustration, and temptation. Without support, most people would not make it. But there are Exodus ministries all over the world which offer experience, understanding and encouragement so desperately needed by those seeking to grow beyond the control of their sexuality.
Our purpose is to see God’s intent for sexuality honoured in the lives of those seeking our help.
Those who develop maturity through their ongoing submission to the Lordship of Christ and His inspired, authoritative Word, experience God’s compassion and enablement through fellowship within a church body of supportive Christians.
As an evangelical international and interdenominational Christian mission, On Eagles Wings adheres to the following values:-
- To advance the message of sexual redemption
- To affirm the Church as the primary body responsible for world evangelization.
- To follow Biblical standards of sexuality, stewardship, personal and professional integrity and excellence in ministry.
- To respect peoples’ freedom of choice.
To unify and equip Christians to minister the transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ to those affected by sexual brokenness.