Policy Statement
On Eagles Wings To Asia is :
- Dedicated to equipping and uniting agencies and individuals to effectively communicate the message of liberation from sexual and relational problems, such as same-sex attraction,, incest, pornography, sexual addiction, sexual abuse, etc. We also seek to support and minister understanding to individuals facing the reality of a sexually broken loved one.
- Upholds heterosexuality as God’s creative intent for humanity, and subsequently views other expressions as outside of God’s will.
- On Eagles Wings To Asia cites there are many disorders that beset fallen humanity.
- Christ offers a healing alternative to those with sexual and relational problems.
- Upholds redemption for the sexually broken person as the process whereby sin’s power is broken, and the individual is freed to know and experience their true identity as discovered in Christ and His Church. That process entails the freedom to grow into heterosexuality. Central to this redemption is On Eagles Wings desire to unite, educate and equip the Church to carry out this healing process.